Marking Its 40th Year of Serving Latino Communities

Congreso Community Advisory Council Established in 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017



Congreso Community Advisory Council Established in 2017 – Marking Its 40th Year of Serving Latino Communities

Phialdelphia, PA.- In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the Board of Directors of Congreso, led by Esperanza Martinez Neu, together with the Congreso leadership team, led by President and CEO Carolina Cabrera DiGiorgio, Esq., are pleased to announce the creation of the Congreso Community Advisory Council through which we seek to enhance the purpose and quality of our services and engage in meaningful dialogue with local community leaders.

Congreso stands as a Philadelphia leading service provider of high-quality programs, with an expert focus on the Latino community. Philadelphia’s Latino community is vibrant and diverse, yet challenged by poverty, health disparities, and other socioeconomic barriers. Together with our community, funders, and partners, we seek to serve all individuals and work hard each day to deliver high-quality, client-centered programming that aims to mitigate these barriers.

In 2017, we are pleased to be establishing the Community Advisory Council and engage with local community leaders to enhance the vision of Congreso’s strategic programmatic impact. We value the needs of the communities we serve in order to continue to fulfill our mission.

A Congreso Community Advisory Council founding member, Fernando J. Torres, President of Casa de Venezuela stated, “We are proud to be forging new opportunities within our network and, together, we share a proud and ambitious vision for Philadelphia’s Latino community.”

Congreso believes in a multilayered communications strategies and we are excited to work collaboratively with the community on the development of programs, as well as receive counsel on its strategic plan, community needs and expansion opportunities.

We also recognize the importance of maintaining strong ties with the corporate, private and government sectors. Established in 2007, the Corporate Advisory Council was created to formalize decades long relationships with regional and national corporations, understanding that working together on mutual goals yields optimal benefits for those we serve.

We, at Congreso, are proud of our strategic growth in our community which allows us to serve over 17,000 clients yearly through innovative funding streams with the private sector, as well as government funding through local, state and federal administrations providing us the opportunity to deliver quality programs and services.

We look forward to the opportunity for Congreso to connect the conversations between the Congreso leadership team, the Board of Directors and our Corporate Advisory Council with the founding members of the Community Advisory Council.

Individuals interested in becoming members of the Congreso Community Advisory Council can contact Congreso via email at for eligibility information, application and further details.


About Congreso: Founded in 1977, Congreso’s mission is to strengthen Latino communities through social, economic, education and health services; leadership development and advocacy. Congreso served 17,064 individuals in FY16 through its education, employment, health and social services.