Afterschool & Summer Programs

High School Programs: After-school programming takes place Monday- Friday from 2:50 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. at Edison High School as well as Kensington and Performing Arts High School. Students engage in a variety of extra-curricular activities which include: dance, visual arts, music, sports and STEM programming. Additionally,  educational support via small group mentorship, tutoring and case management are available to students with an emphasis on post-secondary planning as well as timely graduation. Programming typically takes place in-person and is only conducted virtually in the event of early school closure or inability to operate in-person. 

K-8 Programs: Programming is conducted Monday-Friday from 3:00-6:00 p.m. August-June each year. School year activities include academic enrichment, homework help, sports and recreation, STEM exposure, Drug and Alcohol Prevention education and a host of  hands-on, educational project-based learning activities that challenge and inspire leadership. Additionally, Congreso offers free, six week-long summer camps  for students ages K-8 and a incentivized STEM Career Exposure Program for select 6, 7 and rising 8th graders provided by Philadelphia Youth Network. Please contact us to learn more about each of our programs to find out which site is the best fit for your student. After school program locations include: Julia De Burgos, Roberto Clemente Middle School, and Pan American Academy Charter School.

ELECT Teen Parenting Program: The program provides educational and social services support, along with parenting skills training, to pregnant and parenting teens within 22 participating schools and via home visits. ELECT helps participants improve graduation rates, improve daily attendance, and improve progress on standardized tests. ELECT also supports pregnant and parenting teens to acquire important knowledge and skills in the areas of health, community resources on legal issues, academics, career preparation, parenting education and life skills. The Philadelphia ELECT program, funded by the School District of Philadelphia, is a comprehensive network of education, health, and support services designed to assist pregnant and parenting teens in completing their education and becoming self-sufficient. 


Elisand Diaz | Email:

Eligibility Requirements

  • High School: Students must be Philadelphia residents, enrolled in grades 9-12th 
  • K-8: Students must be Philadelphia residents and enrolled in Kindergarten through 8th grade.  
  • ELECT: Students can participate if expecting a baby
    • (student of any gender) 
    • You are parenting 
    • You are in-school/GED 
    • You are under 22 years of age 

Helpful Links

After-school Program Resources:  

Office of Children and Families Out-of-School Time | ( 
